In the Architekturhaus: – Corona is artfully made visible here

Corona is invisible – the effects of the pandemic in terms of waste, vacancies and increased consumption are now made visible in an exhibition in the Architekturhaus Salzburg. “Pandemic Waste” forces visitors to look.

The to-go culture found its way into Austria with the pandemic at the latest. Food, drinks, online purchases to collect – to-go has also become a symbol of the increase in global waste volumes. In 2021 alone, the amount of packaging waste in Austria will be 1.33 million tonnes. The exhibition “Pandemic Waste” in the Architekturhaus Salzburg will continue to deal with the downside of the oh-so tempting throwaway culture until January 28, 2022. It was set up as part of a semester project with students from the University of Kassel. “We worked on the exhibition for six months,” says the architect and guest professor at the University of Kassel, Theo Deutinger. Six students, under the guidance of Deutinger, collected data, facts and objects related to the topic of pandemic waste. The exhibition opened today and is expected to be on view until the end of January.
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