In the construction site area – A10 Tauern motorway closed after truck crash!

It is not the first time that a traffic accident has occurred in the construction area on the A10 Tauern motorway in Liesertal in Carinthia. This time too, a truck crashed into concrete barriers and called for local emergency services.

A 64-year-old Turk was driving his truck on the A10 towards Salzburg. The accident happened near Krems. “Because he was falling asleep, the driver crashed into the construction site equipment and an excavator that was parked at the construction site,” says the police. The tractor-trailer and the semi-trailer were seriously damaged, as was the parked excavator. Because of leaking engine fluids, the fire department was called to contain the fluids. The A10 in the direction of Rennweg had to be closed while the truck was being rescued.
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