in the event of contamination in a secondary class, unvaccinated students “will be evicted”, affirms Jean-Michel Blanquer

Invited to the microphone of France Info, Jean-Michel Blanquer detailed certain measures of the protocol that will be implemented in schools from the start of the school year.

A decision that risks being strongly criticized. Wednesday July 28, Jean-Michel Blanquer was on France Info, especially to talk about the protocol planned for the start of the school year. At the microphone of the radio station, the Minister of National Education detailed the measures that will be put in place as soon as there is a positive case for covid-19 in a class.

According to him, in middle and high schools, only non-vaccinated students will have to resume distance education if a case is identified. “In secondary school, if there is a case of contamination, the unvaccinated students will be evicted, but not the vaccinated. It is obviously a strong incentive to be vaccinated”, did he declare. Before specifying: “Those who will not be vaccinated will be in distance education. “

An announcement to which the journalist from France Info responded by asking about the inequality that this measure could create. For Jean-Michel Blanquer, it is about “To reason in terms of lesser evil. We don’t reason in terms of an ideal situation ”. He pursues : “Each time, we did our best in relation to constraints which are enormous. There, in this case, the objective is pedagogical continuity. It is certain that this year, they have less disturbances than what they could have had last year, all the more so if we managed to vaccinate a maximum of students and adults. “

Read also: Health pass: vaccination in middle and high schools, what is planned for the start of the school year?

What about primary?

Primary school students will not be affected by this measure. Indeed, until now, they cannot be vaccinated. Vaccination is only open to minors over 12 years old. So, if there is a case of covid-19 in a primary class, “We will close” quite simply the class, affirmed the minister. A measure already implemented last year, recalls France Info. “It was a reinforced precautionary measure, so we maintain this rule for primary education since the students are not vaccinated”, he justified.

Finally, Jean-Michel Blanquer spoke about the compulsory vaccination of teachers. “It does not seem unthinkable to us”, he said, before specifying that it would be a last resort. According to him, more than 80% of teachers are currently vaccinated against covid-19.

Elise Poiret

Journalist specializing in parenthood, Elise writes for aufeminin and Parole de mamans. She is also very involved in the fight for women’s rights. If you only have to remember …