In the middle of the Ukraine crisis – fuss over Bolsonaro’s visit to Moscow – News

  • Despite ongoing tensions on the border with Ukraine, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has confirmed his trip to Russia next week.
  • A meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled for Wednesday.

«President Putin invited me. Brazil largely depends on fertilizers from Russia and Belarus,” Bolsonaro told Radio Tupi. “We ask God that peace may reign in the world.” And: “We will also take a group of ministers who deal with issues such as energy, defense and agriculture.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry also announced that there would be a meeting between Russian and Brazilian foreign and defense ministers on Wednesday.

Pressure from Washington?

According to various analysts, Washington had previously put pressure on the Brazilian to cancel the visit. Brazil remains an official advocate of “dialogue” in the Russo-Western crisis and was careful not to take sides and only address bilateral issues during the visit. However, the US in particular fears that the visit could be taken as a sign of support for the Russian president.

There is a risk that President Bolsonaro will make a thoughtless statement.

According to observers, the head of state of the largest country in Latin America also wants to use the trip to show that he still has partners abroad. Given the timing, the trip has drawn criticism in Brazil. Experts described them as “important” but “inappropriate”.

“There is a risk that President Bolsonaro will make a thoughtless statement that could have serious consequences,” said political scientist Mauricio Santoro. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brasília released a statement on Friday commemorating 30 years of diplomatic relations with Ukraine.

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