“In the national strategy, there will be money for endometriosis, but how much is the big unknown”

To date, the treatment is based on the continuous pill which makes it possible to stop the periods and therefore the pain. But as you know, there are harmful side effects, so some women take time to find the right pill. Doctor Erick Petit, a radiologist at Saint-Jospeh in Paris, told me that on average women changed pills two to three times before finding the right one. In addition, some women do not wish to take continuous hormonal treatment. There are other methods for living with endometriosis, some women consult pain specialists, do relaxation, yoga, osteopathy, kine, sophrology, in short, there is a whole therapeutic arsenal that can also help.

Moreover, when a woman on the pill continuously wants a child, she stops her hormone treatment but the disease starts again. If the lesions affect the ovaries and fallopian tubes, IVF may be performed after surgery. Claire Catherine is a patient that I quote in my article, she had a little girl by IVF after a major operation, but could not have a second child because the disease returned after the birth of her daughter.

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