In these 7 moments you should always be honest

In these 7 moments you should always be honest

© Jose AS Reyes / Shutterstock

A little white lie probably crosses our lips every now and then. But there are situations in which you should definitely be honest. Here you are.

Most of us would probably claim to be an honest person. However, if you pay attention to it, we notice how very small white lies dominate everyday life – or things that we keep silent about. Most of the time it’s not about others, it’s about ourselves. You don’t want to cause any trouble – and prefer not to say anything. You don’t want to attract attention – and nod instead of saying no. You want to be strong – and weaken your own limits.

We believe that a little more honesty would be good not only for ourselves but also for our society. Because if we are more open with each other, we can understand each other better. And a little empathy never hurt anyone, right? Then honesty can even open new doors, when someone else opens up, we end up doing it more easily too.

Psychology: 7 things you should be honest about

1. When we are overwhelmed at work

Sometimes superiors don’t see what employees have on the table – if it’s too much, it’s our job to make it visible. And that is not a sign of weakness, but of strength, because those who can express their limitations are taken seriously.

2. When we are uncomfortable

Let’s please normalize this sentence and include it in our conversations. During the pandemic in particular, there were at times very different perceptions of how many people one would like to meet, whether and where one should test oneself, how to ensure as much security as possible. Everyone has different limits – physically, these are out of the question anyway. But even when it comes to feelings that others may see differently, that’s no reason to deny them to us. If we don’t feel comfortable with a situation or the planning of it, we have every right to speak up and listen to our gut feeling. Everyone has to respect that – and so we learn to deal with each other more empathetically again.

3. When we make mistakes

Of course, nobody likes to admit mistakes. It doesn’t feel good. But it is human and keeps us – and others, when we report about it – from making mistakes several times. An apology is sometimes worth much more than any justification.

4. When we set boundaries

Yes, sometimes in life you go beyond your own limits. However, these situations should not become permanent. When we realize that we have reached a limit – be it because we currently have no capacity for energy-draining people or because we feel that we are being exploited, it is up to us to state this clearly. This may feel selfish at first, especially for people who always want to please everyone, but in fact it is the opposite – because only if we take care of ourselves do we have the energy for others.

5. When it comes to health

Health is the most important asset. And illness is never something to be ashamed of. So let’s break the taboos so we can be more considerate of each other. “I’m fine” has become a standard response that is rarely meant honestly.

6. On the question of love

Why do people become dishonest? Often without evil reasons, but rather to protect others. However, you should never be dishonest about your feelings for fear of hurting someone. Because sooner or later the true emotions show up anyway.

7. With ourselves

Aren’t we true artists of self-deception? Sometimes the demands on ourselves are so high that we don’t even notice that we’re striving for goals that don’t make us happy at all. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to do things differently than others. That’s why we should take ourselves aside more often and see if we’re really living the life we ​​want to live ourselves.


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