In Titanic, freeze the frame at 2 hours and 39 minutes, and take a good look at the man who falls on the propeller of the liner

At the end of “Titanic”, during the terrible sinking scene, the man who falls from the liner and hits the large propeller has a very specific characteristic that no one has ever noticed.

If you are a particular fan of Titanic and you regularly rewatch James Cameron’s monument, it is likely that you have already noticed several small details, skillfully hidden by the filmmaker throughout his film.

For example, his cameo, in the boarding scene where he briefly plays a passenger whose beard is being inspected. Or the hands of the large clock, strategically positioned to correspond to the exact time of the sinking, in the very last shot of the feature film.

However, as knowledgeable and observant as you may be, there is no way you will have noticed the easter egg that follows. Totally invisible to the naked eye, it is above all a little joke between the special effects managers who worked on the film.

At 2 hours, 39 minutes and 55 seconds…

At exactly 2 hours, 39 minutes and 55 seconds of the feature film, during the long and terrible sequence of the sinking, you certainly remember the unfortunate passenger who takes a dizzying fall and hits against the Titanic’s large propeller before falling back. in water.

Well know, this character is not just anyone! Modeled by the digital artisans who worked extensively on the film, it was in fact created according to the features of Jon Landau, James Cameron’s historic producer who has worked alongside him since Titanic, and who also helped him develop the Avatar franchise.

20th century Fox

…Jon Landau falls by the wayside

“What’s memorable about the propeller guy is that I decided to put the producer’s face on him”had entrusted visual effects supervisor Rob Legato to the microphone of VFXblog in 2017.

“So a scan of Jon [Landau] was used as the basis for this character. It was good spirit, but we were a little on the dark side of humor given that he has a brutal and fatal fall.”

“It was our little joke with the whole team for a long time”confirmed special effects producer Camille Cellucci.

“We were like, ‘We’re going to do this incredible thing, and put Landau’s head on the propeller guy!'”

The next time you watch Titanic again, you will know that the passenger falling into the water at this precise moment has exactly the same face… as the producer of the film.

(Re)discover all the hidden details of “Titanic”…

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