In which countries is the Internet the fastest? The ranking is down!

Alexander Boero

April 19, 2023 at 8:45 a.m.


internet speeds © Shutterstock

© Shutterstock

The Ookla company, which offers the famous service, has published an index of download speeds by country. And France is unfortunately not among the best students.

Ookla unveiled this week its report on Internet performance in the world during the first quarter of 2023, on fixed and mobile. For fixed technology, the world average of the tests carried out on Speedtest amounts to 79.0 Mbit/s in download (download) and 34.9 Mbit/s in transfer (upload), for a latency of 9 ms. On mobile, the speeds are logically lower, with 41.5 Mbit / s in download and 10.4 Mbit / s in transfer, and a latency of 28 ms.

The United Arab Emirates and Singapore, champions in their category

In the first quarter, the United Arab Emirates reached new heights, with an average download speed of 178.25 Mbit/s on mobile, making the Middle Eastern state the world champion in the category. On the fixed line, the UAE is not to be outdone, with an average of 221.87 Mbit/s, outperformed only by Singapore and its 235.40 Mbit/s.

fixed mobile speeds united arab emirates © Ookla

The United Arab Emirates’ results are quite impressive © Ookla

On the mobile side, the United Arab Emirates are ahead of Qatar (174.56 Mbit/s) and Norway (143.55 Mbit/s). Kuwait, Denmark, South Korea, the Netherlands, China, Bulgaria and Bahrain complete the top 10. Saudi Arabia is the eleventh and last country to present an average above 100 Mbit/s (101 .92 Mbit/s very exactly) in mobile download.

On the fixed line, Singapore and the UAE are accompanied by Chile (220.39 Mbit/s) on the podium, just ahead of China (216.83 Mbit/s), which is not far behind. Denmark (best European student), Thailand, Monaco, the United States, Hong Kong and Romania complete the top 10.

On the left, the ranking of the fastest countries for mobile downloads; on the right, the top 10 in fixed download © Ookla

France, absent from the top 10, both on mobile and landline

“Where is France, where is it? », would almost scream Christophe Maé. ” She is far “, we will answer him. Especially on mobile speeds, where France only occupies 26e world rank, wedged between North Macedonia and Portugal. The average download speed reached 72.25 Mbit/s in the first quarter.

On the landline, it’s a little better. With an average download speed of 166.47 Mbit/s, France grabs the 12e place, a good distance from Spain (178.40 Mbit/s), 11e, and just ahead of Switzerland and its 159.19 Mbit/s. France is relatively successful in its deployment of fiber optics, which partly explains its better results on the fixed line, even if it is still struggling to get rid of the copper network.

Source : okla

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