In Zurich, the construction sites are at a standstill

Construction workers are protesting in Zurich today, Friday. They fight for better working conditions with a major campaign.

This week the unions have already demonstrated in several cities: action in Geneva.


tsf. “Construction sites have been standing still all over the canton since 6 a.m.,” said the Unia union on Friday morning. The walkout by construction workers in Zurich is part of a nationwide wave of protests by the Unia and Syna unions. The campaigns have been running since mid-October, so far mainly in Ticino and western Switzerland.

The background is a dispute as part of the renegotiation of the state framework agreement (LMV). This expires at the end of the year. In previous rounds of negotiations, the trade unions have not been able to reach an agreement with the master builders’ association.

The unions accuse the master builders of providing for working weeks of up to 58 hours in the future. In addition, 12-hour working days should become normal. The association also makes wage increases dependent on the approval of these demands. Finally, according to the unions, employers are questioning the protection against dismissal and the wages of older workers. The construction workers describe these demands as unacceptable.

In Zurich, the unions Unia and Syna are calling for a demonstration to the headquarters of the builders’ association in Zurich, according to the announcement. The parade is scheduled to start at 11:30 a.m. Construction workers from Bern, eastern and central Switzerland and Zurich should take part.

The master builders’ association confirmed in a statement that the conclusion of a state shell contract (LMV) had top priority. It is the common concern of employees and employers that the LMV brings improvements in flexibility and the ability to plan working days. At the same time, the master builders called on the trade unions to comply with the peace obligation. A seventh round of negotiations between the social partners is still to come.

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