Ina Müller: "I am full of love … and excitement"

Ina Müller
"I am full of love … and excitement"

Ina Müller

© Getty Images

Ina Müller makes a slippery comparison on Instagram.

To the delight of her fans, Ina Müller, 55, has been on Instagram since November 2020. In a new post, she's visibly aroused – and the reason is all too understandable.

Ina Müller is completely out of breath

In a video that Ina Müller shares in her feed, you can see the 55-year-old in a music studio. Full of vigor, she claps her thighs in time, moving her foot up and down the floor to match. A man stands next to her – apparently a music colleague – and does the same. To rock out like that takes a lot of energy. Out of breath, Ina Müller pulls the headphones from her ears and says: "Whoa guys, that's more exhausting than sex." Your colleague can only laugh.

Ina Müller celebrates sales of her album

"Every 'come, one more time' was worth it! After only 10 weeks (and despite lockdown) YOU have managed to put the golden crown on the 55 album today! I am full of love … and excitement … and Gratitude … and champagne! ON YOU! ", Writes the singer enthusiastically about her video. The reason for the joy: their third studio album "55" reached gold status two and a half months after its release. What a great success! Ina Müller goes on tour in 2022. Then the fans can finally experience their music live again.

Happy with Johannes Oerding

In her private life, Ina Müller is happy with singer Johannes Oerding, 39. What does he say about the slippery comparison? This is of course a private matter. He supported his girlfriend on the album. In an interview with "Focus Online", the singer raved about the collaboration: "We discuss the whole time and basically write the song together at the kitchen table. When we have found a job, like in 'Wohnung look', where we two together Sing the chorus and look at us, then – I don't want to pretend that I saw him cry – the tears come to me. Because it's just so beautiful. And that's exactly what I want from music. "

