Increase in pensions, Macron bonus and tax control… The 3 news of the day for your money

These errors which can earn you a tax audit, bad news concerning the increase in small pensions or even figures to find out if your company has been particularly generous with your Macron bonus…

Today’s article: how to avoid a tax audit?

In matters of income tax, taxpayers’ declarations are presumed to be accurate and sincere. It is up to the administration to control its content. In this context, if any income declaration is likely to be controlled, certain inconsistencies will certainly earn you a reminder from the tax authorities. And if the right to make mistakes exists for taxpayers in good faith, the tax authorities are not kind to those whose errors or omissions significantly impact the calculation of the tax…

Taxes: 5 common mistakes that can land you a tax audit

The question of the day: were you spoiled by the Macron bonus?

5.27 billion euros paid by 519,000 establishments, according to statistics revealed by Urssaf. In 2023, many employees benefited from the value-sharing bonus, better known as the Macron bonus. Small companies (less than 10 employees) have around 23.9% of the bonus amounts, compared to 19.3% for companies with 2000 employees or more. The amount of the premium is higher in small companies, 1141 euros in companies with less than 10 employees and 855 euros in those with 2000 employees or more. So, did you earn more or less than the average employee?

Macron bonus in your company? Why this is not necessarily good news

The bad news of the day for small pensions

Those who have retired since September 2023 and who have generally worked throughout their career at the minimum wage benefit from the increased contributory minimum. For those who have been receiving a small pension for a long time, out of 1.7 million promised boosts, only 600,000 are already effective. Others? The continuation of the exceptional increases was expected in the spring. But ultimately we will have to wait longer.

Small retirement: more bad news for the promise of a minimum 1200 euros in 2024

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