increasingly adopted in France, vasectomy strengthens the sexuality of the couple according to this specialist

Today it is a very effective means of contraception, for which demand is clearly increasing. But does vasectomy have an effect on the sexuality of the man and in the couple? A specialist responds enthusiastically.

This technique has long been a source of myth. At first, some thought it was extremely painful. And others claimed that it took away all virility in men. But, for several years now, vasectomy no longer has this reputation of being a method of emasculation, quite the contrary. But what does this contraceptive method consist of?

The aim of this operation is block the ducts that connect the prostate to the testicles. To do this, surgery is necessary. The specialist locally anesthetizes the patient for 10 to 20 minutes. The average time to insert human tissue into these famous links of the reproductive system. Then, after 30 ejaculations or after 3 months, tests are done to check the success of contraception. A beneficial contribution for the couple.

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Vasectomy continues to prove its worth

There are many benefits of having a vasectomy. And the numbers prove it. In fact, men are using this method much more than before. In 10 years, this process has been increased by 10. In addition, with new medical techniques, less than 1% of patients report pain after ejaculation. In other words, unlike certain other contraceptive tools, including for women, this solution does not cause any or very few complications.

As a result, the man’s sexuality does not suffer at all. In the magazine Newsaccording to Dr. Charlotte Methorst, urologist and member of the French Association of Urology (AFU): “Patients do not feel any change, particularly in the volume of ejaculate, the sensation felt or the pleasure”. An advantage not to be overlooked for a man’s sex life. As for the functioning of the body, there is therefore no need to worry. But what about the psychological aspect?

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This method of contraception is beneficial for the couple’s sex life

As you can see, vasectomy has no impact on physical functioning. But also know that this contraceptive technique is a real benefit for a couple’s sex life. Indeed, by sharing the mental load of contraception, sex is much more fulfilled in men and women. For partners who do not want pregnancy, vasectomy is a solution thatremoves a burden on married life.

The doctor adds: “Science has widely studied the psychological impact of vasectomy on life as a couple and it reveals that a large part sees the number of relationships increase and the associated satisfaction also accentuated”. It’s hard to miss this report. Note that before, the men who used this process had an average age of 45 years. Today, she is 35 years old according to the expert. A breakthrough that says a lot about vasectomy and its popularity.

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