Incredible discovery in the basement of the house of a couple in the middle of a divorce

All families have their little secrets, but this breaking up couple was hiding something no one could have guessed in the basement of their home…

Very special pets. A couple living in Essonne, in Etréchy, recently made people talk about him for a very specific reason. Sandra and Benjamin are animal friendsand have many of them as reported by the Parisian. Only for them, no chickens or hamsters, no. In addition to their five dogs, their tortoise and several birds, the couple has been housing two dwarf crocodiles in their basement and a caiman upstairs for 20 years. And despite their name, these crocodiles are all the same 2 meters long and obviously require special permission for their owners. Problem: if it is together that Sandra and Benjamin have collected them, it is now only that Sandra takes care of them following the divorce pronounced between the ex-spouses.

Our colleagues report that the reptiles, soberly named Mr and Mrs Crocodile, are 45 and 30 years old and have never seen the light of day since their arrival in this basement in Essonne. Their precarious installation which is not up to standard has worried the Animal Protection Association (APA) who, since they learned of the file, are doing what they can to transport the two crocodiles to a more suitable place. In addition to a better quality of life for the two exotic animals, this relocation also has a legal purpose since, as Sandra explained to the Parisian, it does not have the capacity certificates giving it the authorization to keep, feed and care for these animals. Her husband was responsible for the two crocodiles but can no longer go to this home since the divorce.

The owner of the crocodiles in distress

It will be heartbreaking to part with it” explained Sandra, before adding: “but I am not able to keep them. I am calling for help. The situation has been going on for 18 months”. His appeal was heard, however, since the Animal Protection Association found not only carriers specializing in this kind of “cargo” but also a place for the reptile couple in a sanctuary in Germany. As the APA president explained, “These animals are not made to live in such conditions“. If the owner of the crocodiles still hopes to be able to recover his animals in their new habit, the fact that his new installations are far from being finished could give the association time to send them to the sanctuary where they will benefit from a much more suitable habitat.

© LP/Nolwenn COSSON

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One of the couple’s 2 crocodiles
They have now divorced

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The woman finds herself alone having to take care of 2 crocodiles and a caiman

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The animal protection association has been contacted

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Crocodiles will be placed

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They should be sent to a sanctuary in Germany

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These are dwarf crocodiles

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They are both in a small space built for them in the basement of a house

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They haven’t seen the light of day for 20 years

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Their habitat is not at all suitable for their size

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The former couple who owned the crocodiles live in Etréchy

© Google maps

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They also have a caiman, a turtle, five dogs and birds

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