“Incredible”, “madness”: Heroes of the 2014 World Cup bow to Toni Kroos

“Incredible”, “Insanity”
Heroes of the 2014 World Cup bow to Toni Kroos

Miroslav Klose and Mats Hummels showered their former teammate with praise after his departure announcement. In addition to his sporting successes, Toni Kroos’ human side is also impressive. Hummels is looking forward to a special duel, Lothar Matthäus is also in touch.

Former national player Miroslav Klose has praised his long-time teammate Toni Kroos in the highest tones as he approaches the end of his career. “He leaves you at a loss for words,” the 45-year-old told the media group “Münchner Merkur/tz”. It is “unbelievable” how Kroos has endured at his Spanish club Real Madrid and what role he plays there. Klose said his teammates – including those on the national team – would look up to the midfield veteran. Kroos announced at midday that he would end his successful career after the home European Championships this summer.

Germany’s record national player Lothar Matthäus also received a remarkable tribute. “He is perhaps even the greatest German footballer, certainly one of the greatest. He has won the World Cup and the Champions League so many times,” said the 1990 World Cup captain in the Munich “Abendzeitung”. “He can crown himself with the European Championship title. It’s the right time. Similar to Philipp Lahm, he’s leaving at the summit,” said Matthäus: “Kroos has the foresight, he knows what he can put his body through. It is very sensible. Can he win the Ballon d’Or? That depends on his performance and successes in the Champions League and the European Championship.”

Klose and Kroos once played together at FC Bayern. Over time, Kroos has developed into a “ball machine at its best,” said the former striker. “How Toni can read the game is amazing.” The 34-year-old is still a “great player”. He also showed that during his national team comeback in March.

“The most important component about him is that he remained normal despite his great successes,” said Klose about Kroos, with whom he became world champion together in Brazil in 2014. “That’s what impresses me, that’s his great strength. The humanity that characterizes him cannot be topped. There aren’t as many hats as I would like to take off in front of him.” In the final against Borussia Dortmund on June 1st, Kroos could win the Champions League for the sixth time. In total he won seven championship titles with Bayern and Real.

Hummels praises Kroos: “What a footballer”

“He has achieved so much. I’m happy for him because he deserves it all, he worked it all out himself,” said Klose. “He can now win two more titles with the Champions League and the European Cup. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for him. That would be the worthy farewell that he deserves.”

Mats Hummels, also Rio World Champion with Kroos, is now looking forward to one last big duel with his long-time national team colleague. “What a footballer, it was an honor and a pleasure, Toni!” wrote the Borussia Dortmund defender on Instagram. “Almost 20 years ago together at the Grünwalder, now we’ll see each other again in Wembley in a very appropriate way.”

Before the home European Championship, Kroos and Real Madrid will face Hummels and BVB in the Champions League final at Wembley Stadium in London on June 1st. Unlike the midfield veteran, Hummels is not in the provisional German European Championship squad. The future of the 35-year-old, whose contract in Dortmund is expiring, is open.

Kroos and Hummels both played for FC Bayern Munich in the past – including in their youth team. They once played together for the reserves of the German record champions in the small and venerable stadium on Grünwalder Straße.

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