India ‘fully ready’ to support peace efforts in Ukraine

The counter-offensive “will take time”, warns the Ukrainian Prime Minister

At a press conference in London where an international conference for the reconstruction of Ukraine is being held, Denys Chmyhal, the Ukrainian Prime Minister, warned that the army’s counter-offensive against Russian forces “will take time”but said to himself ” optimistic “ on its success.

“We will carry out intelligent offensive operations, and for this reason, [la contre-offensive] will take time”Mr. Chmyhal said. “The counter-offensive is made up of many military operations, some are offensive, others are defensive”he detailed, adding that “Unfortunately, during our preparation for this counter-offensive, the Russians also prepared. There are so many minefields that it slows down progress a lot” troops. “We are fighting according to NATO rules”added the prime minister, saying that the Ukrainian army was not giving up “no soldier” on the ground, unlike the Russians, who “human lives don’t count”.

“I am totally optimistic about the liberation of our territories occupied by the Russians”insisted the Ukrainian Prime Minister, present in London since Wednesday to try to convince foreign public and private investors to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine.

On Wednesday, in an interview with the BBC, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted that the progress of this offensive was “slower than desired”. “Some people think it’s a Hollywood movie and expect results now. This is not the case “he warned.

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