Indigestion: what natural tips to relieve it? : Current Woman Le MAG

Abdominal pain, heaviness, nausea, bloating, gastric reflux are often signs of indigestion. It generally follows a meal too rich in fat, sugar, spices, or too much alcohol consumption. The digestive system is then overworked. Although temporary and benign, this digestive disorder can alter your quality of life. Discover simple natural tips to relieve the symptoms of indigestion.

1. Opt for light meals against indigestion

Indigestion results from meals that are too high in calories, too large, or accompanied by too much alcohol, specifies the MSD Manual. The first reflex to adopt is therefore to help your digestive system clogged by excess food or alcohol, by eating light meals the following days. Indeed, after a rich meal, the stomach is full, and it needs to produce a lot of gastric juice to dissolve the food. Digestion time therefore increases. To avoid increasing this gastric overload, you are advised to opt for:

  • Lean foods (lean fish, white meat) cooked without fat (court-bouillon, grilled meat).
  • Non-fermentable foods: prefer peeled cooked vegetables, rice, pasta, and avoid cabbage, dried beans, chickpeas, onions, artichokes, whole grains, raw fruits and vegetables, etc.
  • Non-spicy dishes: spices irritate the intestinal mucosa.
  • Plain water and herbal teas: it is essential to hydrate well, especially in cases of indigestion, and to avoid exciting drinks such as alcohol, tea and coffee.
  • Good chewing of food: it facilitates the work of digestion.

2. Herbal infusions to relieve indigestion

Several plants are praised for their beneficial effects on digestion. You can consume them in the form of infusions either already ready or to make yourself. To make your own infusion, pour 20 cl of water into a saucepan with a teaspoon of dried plants (mint, chamomile, etc.), and let the water simmer over the heat for 5 minutes. Drink a cup of herbal tea three times a day at the end of meals. We distinguish :

  • plants that relieve nausea: peppermint, ginger rhizome, etc.;
  • antispasmodic plants: lemon balm, Roman chamomile, valerian, etc.;
  • plants which stimulate digestion thanks to the bitter substances they contain: gentian, wormwood, small centaury, etc.

3. Activated vegetable charcoal in case of indigestion

Activated vegetable charcoal is particularly popular in cases of indigestion. It results from the carbonization of various woods, coconut shells and other natural fuels, which are activated by adding water vapor or oxygen. It is an ancestral remedy which has proven itself in the absorption of intestinal gases. In case of bloating, flatulence, belching following indigestion, it is therefore recommended to take activated vegetable charcoal for a week. Available in the form of capsules, tablets or powder, it is taken with water according to a dosage specific to your age and weight. However, you are advised to take it away from possible drug treatments, so as not to annihilate the benefits of your treatment due to the absorption effect of vegetable charcoal.

4. Fennel, an ally of difficult digestion

Fennel is popular for slow digestion problems with their attendant bloating and flatulence. It indeed has antispasmodic and tonic properties (it stimulates digestion). For medicinal purposes, we do not use the fennel bulb, but its dried seeds, due to their much higher concentration of active ingredients. You can consume them in the form of herbal tea, infusion or capsules.

5. Physical exercise to combat indigestion

The French National Society of Gastroenterology (SNFGE) recommends physical activity to combat indigestion. Indeed, according to this source, physical activity facilitates intestinal transit and gas transit. Ideally, you are advised to do 30 minutes of physical exercise (walking, cycling, swimming or any other sport compatible with your state of health) every day, 5 days per week.

6. Stomach massages to fight indigestion

You can effectively combat bloating and digestive discomfort with simple belly massages. To do this, lie on your back keeping both legs bent. Start by massaging the stomach concentrically around the navel. Please note, the direction of the massage must be clockwise. Then, as the minutes pass, expand the circle to cover the entire stomach. Recommended duration of the massage: 15 min.


Read also :

⋙ Food poisoning: what are the first 3 symptoms and what to do in case of poisoning?

⋙ Liver attack: causes, symptoms, treatments and diet to adopt

⋙ 12 tips for taking care of your intestinal transit

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