Infertility, PMA, menopause… Why is Emmanuel Macron looking into these societal issues?

Arthur de Laborde / Photo credit: JOHANNA GERON / POOL / AFP
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08:01, May 10, 2024

In a long interview with “Elle” magazine published last Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron spoke on several societal issues, including menopause, infertility and even PMA. A strategy from the Head of State with the aim of winning back the female electorate one month before the European elections.

Menopause, infertility, PMA or even fathers’ “duty to visit”… Topics raised by Emmanuel Macron in a long interview with the magazine She published Wednesday. With less than a month before the European elections, why is the Head of State choosing to send political signals particularly targeting women?

Reconquer the female electorate

Reconquering the female electorate, a priority for Emmanuel Macron at a time when voting intentions show that women tend to turn away from the presidential camp. A note published at the end of March by the Jean Jaurès institute aroused concern among majority strategists. In particular this figure: out of 100 voters considering switching from Emmanuel Macron to the socialist Raphaël Glucksmann, 60 are women. In the columns of Shethe head of state therefore took advantage of the magazine’s female readership to go on the offensive.

The president reaffirms his opposition to GPA, explains his idea of ​​demographic rearmament, details his plan against infertility and prides himself on being uncompromising on violence against women. He also backpedals on the subject of the accusations of sexual assault against Gérard Depardieu, claiming to have “never defended an aggressor against victims”. It is certainly no coincidence either that Elisabeth Borne, female figure of the left wing of the macronie, was included this week in the list for the Europeans.

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