Infiltration was once again banned from two major tournaments

The multiple Korean champion is once again at the heart of a drama. While he thought he could finally make his return to the international scene, since his ban from the Capcom Pro Tour in 2018, Seonwoo “Infiltrationβ€œLee received two bad news. The EVO then the COMBO BREAKER refused his participation, saying that the player did not respect their code of conduct. Concretely, this means that Juri’s player is banned from two of the biggest American events.

The reasons

Although the two events have not officially communicated on this refusal, several tracks are mentioned. The first is that Infiltration is still paying for his domestic violence conviction. Following the old accusations (proved according to Korean justice) of his former companion, the player had been banned from the Capcom Pro Tour and official Street Fighter V competitions. Despite the fact that this sanction is now lifted, part of the community believes that the player must remain undesirable. The reasons given are the fact that even if his debt is paid, he is still potentially dangerous for people who would travel to the same tournaments. In addition, some mention the fact that the player lied trying to minimize the facts, even if this behavior could be explained by the fear of losing his sponsors.

However, Infiltration had never had any issues with tournaments banning him recently. Despite his ban on the Street Fighter V stage, he was able to win EVO 2019 on Samurai Shodown, and his participation had not posed any major problems (although some voices were raised against). According to other rumors, this ban could be justified by a slip-up during a stream. Indeed, shortly after learning that his request to participate was rejected, Infiltration was banned from Twitch.

This ban would be due to the use of the N-Word. A clip of the player is also spinning on this subject. According to his statements, the excerpt would be taken out of context, and used only for the purpose of harming him. He explains in a Twitlonger that this is not the first time that such a mishap has happened to him, recounting the time when his participation was refused following the request of the sponsor of the event.


The Twitch ban shouldn’t be too heavy for Infiltration. The Korean streams a lot on AfreecaTV, a Korean platform, and if the Twitch ban is annoying, his Western fans can always find him on Youtube. On the other hand, not being able to participate in major FGC events could have much more serious consequences.


The player’s sponsors will not continue to support him if he cannot represent them at the most prestigious events. If similar problems appear in the near future, the player’s career could be in question. Infiltration is now trying to renew the dialogue with the organizers, with the aim of finding a solution. For now, the officials of the two tournaments have made no statement.


After a rather long period of inactivity on some servers this weekend, Amazon Games has chosen to deploy new rewards that are completely free for all players regardless of their region to apologize for the inconvenience caused.

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