Infinity Hash celebrates one-year anniversary

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On June 15, the community Bitcoin mining project Infinity Hash celebrates its one-year anniversary. Since its launch on June 15, 2023 (it started with 20 mining devices), the project has made some promising progress. It has now grown to almost 500 miners with 62 petahash mining power and over 5,000 community members. The secret? At Infinity Hash, the community is always a priority. For this reason, we are taking a closer look at Infinity Hash and analyzing what updates you can look forward to in the future.

Transparency and long-term stability are always the top priority for the mining project. As a customer, you get access to the provider’s extensive resources, including FAQs, weekly updates and transparency reports. These provide insight into all relevant updates and provide verifiable data and facts on a regular basis. In addition, you are provided with daily pictures and videos of the farm and the repair shop and all current events and changes are documented. You can trust that.

The growth and professionalization of the project, which has grown out of its infancy, also means that traditional payment methods such as card payments and bank transfers are now supported. In cooperation with the payment partner FinchPay, the fees for credit and debit card payments have been reduced to 0%. Payments by bank transfer are now possible in euros, US dollars, British pounds and Turkish lira.

The most important innovation: Euro bank transfers now support real-time transfers and go directly to an intra-European bank with SEPA (instead of via a foreign transfer as before). The minimum deposit amount for SEPA transfers is currently €100.

Sign up for Infinity Hash

In addition to fiat payments, new dashboards, reward pools and locations are coming

To mark the project’s anniversary, the Infinity Hash Dashboard received some major updates that are based entirely on community feedback and the experiences of the first year. The new features include:

  • a new and more user-friendly design,
  • the ability to display mining yields and wallets in Satoshis instead of US dollars
  • and a statistics page for a better overview. The most important point of the statistics page is the ability to export all transactions for tax tools such as CoinTracking.
Infinity Hash’s new mining dashboard

Another new feature will be the so-called Reward Pools These allow Infinity Hash Shares to be allocated to different pools at any time in order to mine different coins directly. For example, if you want to mine 50% Ethereum and 50% Bitcoin, you can allocate half of your shares to the respective pool and automatically receive the daily mining income in the chosen ratio in the desired currencies.

The reward pools

One of the biggest risks for any Bitcoin mining project is the Site security. In any location, local laws, electricity prices and environmental conditions can change at any time. An example of this would be the complete ban on Bitcoin mining in China in 2021.

To increase site security and decentralization, Infinity Hash launched a second site in Ethiopia in April – in addition to the existing one in the southern Ural region. This new site is located near the capital Addis Ababa and will be powered entirely by hydroelectric power. The first mining equipment is expected to arrive there in late June/July.

The second mining location: Ethiopia

After the new site in Ethiopia has officially opened, the search for a location will probably focus on Scandinavia, specifically Finland. In Scandinavia, new opportunities are opening up with hydro miners and heat recovery, including feeding into district heating networks to heat homes and buildings. Heat recovery not only enables more environmentally friendly mining, but also partially refinances electricity costs.

Sign up for Infinity Hash

Register today and take part in the competition

Infinity Hash is a community Bitcoin mining project, so they always put the community first, developing most of their features based on the community and their feedback. This makes Bitcoin mining accessible to everyone by combining the benefits of colocation and cloud mining in a transparent, reliable system.

To celebrate the one-year anniversary, a competition is being held for the benefit of the Infinity Hash community. You can win:

  • 1 x 500 US dollars in shares as the main prize
  • 10x 10% bonus shares on all shares purchased during the game period (maximum 100 US dollars)
  • 10x an Infinity Hash surprise box (T-shirts, vouchers, merch, etc.).

Both existing community members and newcomers can participate. Anyone who buys Infinity Hash Shares (IHS) worth at least $100 between May 15 and June 15 automatically participates. Both new shares and shares from the community marketplace can be purchased. Here’s how it works:

  • To register: Create your free Infinity Hash account. No form of identity verification or KYC is required. All you need is a working email address and you’re ready to go.
  • Buy shares: Invest capital via Bitcoin, USDT, credit card, bank transfer or cryptocurrencies and buy your first shares. The minimum investment is less than one US dollar.
  • Earn daily Receive daily Bitcoin rewards directly to your dashboard. You can convert them to USDT or keep your BTC and benefit from fast payouts whenever you want.

More information in the Infinity-Hash Brandhub.

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