Inflation: the new measures against soaring prices : Femme Actuelle Le MAG

The day after a meeting with the distributors, Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy, went to the 1 p.m. France 2 For make announcements against inflationThursday, August 31, 2023. He explained that he took the time to speak with representatives of major food brands with the sole aim of finding a deal to bring food prices down. “There have been no significant price cuts. Some have made efforts like Barilla or Avril but others little like Nestlé, Unilever, PepsiCo”he launched at first, before all the same congratulating himself on being able to announce concrete measures. “We must break the inflationary spiral. We succeeded in reaching an agreement between manufacturers and distributors.” Consumers should quickly notice a change in the prices displayed at checkout. Bruno Le Maire thus made it known that 5,000 products would have their prices frozen or lowered until the end of 2023.

Bruno Le Maire will be intransigent on deceptive practices

“This represents a quarter of the items on supermarket shelves. The DGCCRF (General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control) will monitor this operation, of which we will have a detailed list soon”, said the Minister. Among these products, there will be mainly private labels, but also some national brands. The Minister also explained thatgreat vigilance would be given to the misleading practices of certain manufacturers. He took as an example the Kiri brand which had not hesitated to reduce the weight of its products while maintaining the same price. “We must not make fun of the world”, he launched, annoyed. Finally, Bruno Le Maire announced the early reopening of trade negotiations. This year, they will end at the beginning of January 2024, instead of March 1, as is usually the case. “The 75 largest companies and distributors will commit from the beginning of September until October 15 at renegotiate product prices so that price reductions are effective in stores from January 2024continued the Minister of the Economy, hoping for significant reductions for consumers.

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