INFO EUROPE 1 – Gérald Darmanin will ask for the dissolution of two pro-Palestine associations

Victor Chabert
modified to

5:30 p.m., February 24, 2022

According to our information, at the request of Emmanuel Macron, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin will ask for the dissolution of the “Palestine Vaincra” collective, and of the “Palestine Action Committee” in the coming days, for appeal to hatred, to violence or discrimination and incitement to terrorist acts. Under cover of supporting the Palestinian cause, the government accuses them of promoting hatred towards Israel.

According to information collected by Europe 1, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, will, at the request of Emmanuel Macron, request the dissolution of the “Palestine Vaincra” collective, and of the “Palestine Action Committee” in the next days. The dissolution of the first is envisaged on the grounds of incitement to hatred, discrimination and violence. This group is a descendant of the collective “Coup pour coup 31” which had supported the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, considered a Palestinian terrorist organization by the European Union.

The spread of a feeling of oppression of “Muslim peoples”

According to the Ministry of the Interior, under the guise of defending the Palestinian cause, the collective disseminates the feeling of oppression of “Muslim peoples” in the face of what it presents as “imperialism and global Zionism” and “colonialism to spread the idea of ​​Islamophobia internationally.

The “Palestine Action Committee” is also targeted by Gérald Darmanin. The association supposed to defend the rights of the Palestinians, in fact relays press releases from Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine and Hezbollah, and reports on their actions, according to the authorities. The Ministry of the Interior is therefore considering its dissolution for incitement to hatred, violence, or discrimination and provocation to terrorist acts.

Other associations already dissolved

These are not the first associations targeted by requests for dissolution from the Ministry of the Interior for separatism, this had been the case for the CCIF (Collective against Islamophobia in France) or the NGO Barakacity. They had been definitively recorded by the Council of State last September.

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