INFO EUROPE 1 – What Emmanuel Macron’s government will look like if he is re-elected

Jacques Serais, edited by Nathanaël Bentura
modified to

09:06, March 28, 2022

If he is re-elected on April 24, Emmanuel Macron already has a very precise idea of ​​what he wants for his government. No more bloated governments, the outgoing president only wants fifteen ministers and no secretary of state. At present, the candidate’s government has 41 posts, in addition to that of Prime Minister.

The president-candidate already sees himself at the top of the poster for the second round. Moreover, if he is re-elected on April 24, Emmanuel Macron already has a very precise idea of ​​​​his government, according to details from his entourage to Europe 1, this Monday. He wants to put an end to extended governments, as was the case during his five-year term. At present, that of Jean Castex has 16 ministers, 15 delegate ministers and no less than ten secretaries of state. 41 positions in total, in addition to that of Prime Minister.

15 ministers only

As the outgoing president’s election campaign officially starts on Monday, Emmanuel Macron told relatives he wanted 15 ministers in office and not one more. In the event of re-election, there will be no secretaries of state or deputy ministers.

On the other hand, the candidate plans to entrust very specific missions, with an objective and an end date on certain themes. These are kinds of high commissions on pension reform, for example, but also on more cross-cutting projects such as the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris.

A perilous project

To explain Emmanuel Macron’s approach, a close friend of the president told Europe 1 that “General Georgelin, currently at the head of the public establishment responsible for the restoration of the cathedral, could very well have been appointed high commissioner “. However, this wish of the candidate Macron promises to be perilous.

He, who has had rallies from left and right in recent weeks, will also have to do everything to satisfy everyone’s sensitivity in terms of assigned positions, so as not to risk seeing dissension appear the day after the appointment of his possible future government.

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