Ingrown hairs: that helps |

Ingrown hairs
What helps against it

© shutterstock

After the shave is before the shave – at least sometimes. Because ingrowns are often noticeable after shaving. But where do they come from and how do you get rid of them? We have the best tips.

Not only do they itch, they also don’t look beautiful at all: ingrown hairs are a major nuisance after shaving. They often appear in the genital area, and in men also on the face. The small hairs can even become a problem there, because if handled incorrectly, they can quickly become inflamed. To avoid this, we have a few helpful tips and information here.

Where does ingrown hair come from?

Every hair grows in a specific direction. Usually the hairs grow straight out of the skin. Nevertheless, it happens now and then that individual hairs curl up as they grow and grow back into the skin. This is more common in people who have thick, strong and curly hair.

The fact that ingrown hairs occur especially after shaving is due to the fact that the hair has a sharper edge after shaving so that it can more easily penetrate the skin again and continue to grow there unhindered.

Dead skin cells that clog the hair roots can also be the reason why the hair does not grow out, but spreads under the surface of the skin.

But clothing that is too tight and the friction it causes can also be the cause of the ingrown hairs.

How can you avoid ingrown hairs?

To avoid skin problems and inflammation of the hair, you should exfoliate the skin before shaving. In this way, dead skin cells are removed and the hair can then grow back more easily. Also, always make sure to use a sharp blade when shaving. Stretch the skin where you want to shave. Cool down your irritated skin after hair removal – this will also help prevent ingrown hairs.

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After shaving, pamper the skin with a moisturizing lotion so that the skin remains soft and the hair can grow naturally. Particularly dry skin should be given plenty of care. This approach to shaving also prevents the phenomenon of the unpopular so-called strawberry legs.

How can you remove ingrown hairs?

First of all: If the area with the ingrown hair is not aesthetically disturbing and not inflamed, it is best to just leave it alone. The ingrown hairs usually disappear on their own. Anyone who tries now to express the pustules and pimples that may have formed risks small scars or dark changes in the color of the skin (pimple marks). The latter occur mainly in people with a darker skin tone.

If you have already developed an inflammation, it is best to see a doctor: in. This can easily open the surface of the skin with a sterile needle or a small scalpel and carefully remove the ingrown hair. Anti-inflammatory creams are often prescribed for severe inflammation.

If the pimple has not yet appeared and you can see the ingrown hair just under the skin, you can put a warm washcloth on the area to soak it slightly. Then try to grab the hair with disinfected tweezers and gently pull it out of the skin.

In the meantime there are special creams in pharmacies and drugstores that are intended to prevent hair from growing in and accelerate the growth of this hair. So if you repeatedly suffer from ingrown hairs, you should seek advice from the pharmacy.
