Inner satisfaction: 10 simple tips

Inner satisfaction
10 tips for more positivity

© Rido / Shutterstock

Everyone can achieve inner satisfaction, all you have to do is listen to yourself. We’ll show you how it works.

What is inner satisfaction?

Every person associates satisfaction and happiness with different parameters. To find the great love, to love yourself, to get the dream job – the goals for it usually seem to lie in the future. Have we reached them we reach for the next goal and never seem to be happy in the here and now. But inner satisfaction can easily be achieved at any time. Even this second.

An inner satisfaction creates a positive mood. She provides more Well-being in everyday life, activates your energy reserves, ensures inner peace, positive thoughts and acceptance of yourself. You can switch off better, your thoughts confirm your happiness and your own critical voice falls silent.

Inner satisfaction means being at peace with your life and yourself, accepting and loving everything as it is. Regardless of the outside world, you determine your happiness parameters all by yourself.

Inner satisfaction: don’t believe everything you think

Silencing one’s own critical voice is a difficult undertaking for many people. She always speaks up, doesn’t seem to grant you your current happiness and wants to screw up your well-being. She finds the smallest fly in the ointment. Did you meet an interesting person? Your inner voice quickly accuses you of not being serious about you. Why would such a loving person want to hang out with you of all people? These thoughts come together in a beautiful moment Self-doubt. But we have good news: you can get this unpleasant friend out of your mind.

Symbolically lock the door when you notice that such thoughts enter your mind. Say to yourself “stop” or “these are not my thoughts”. Becoming aware of this voice in your head trains you not to accept it. Try it out in everyday situations. You will notice how quickly these negative thoughts become quieter or even fall silent. You are stronger than your critical voice.

10 tips for inner satisfaction

Inner satisfaction can be learned like a new language. It won’t work overnight and you will keep finding yourself in situations where you strive for what others have. But this is how the learning process works for inner satisfaction. You have already contributed to your inner satisfaction by noticing that you are comparing yourself to other people. We have 10 tips for you on how you can get one step closer to inner satisfaction every day:

  1. Enjoy the moment mindfully: The day has so many beautiful moments in store for us, but mostly our thoughts are with yesterday or tomorrow. Try to be aware of situations and enjoy them. This can be the freshly brewed coffee in the morning, a short meditation before work or a walk in nature. Become aware of when and where your thoughts wander into the past or future and bring them back to the present moment.
  2. Overcome fears: Fear of failure, rejection, embarrassing moments and the unknown plague many people. They keep us from our dreams and slow us down. But venturing out of your personal comfort zone is definitely worth it. Because it never gets as bad as we imagine it in our minds. What would you really enjoy and what would contribute to your inner satisfaction? Do you have the answer? Put it into action and find yourself.
  3. Trust fate: Everything doesn’t always go according to plan, and your inner satisfaction won’t keep you from that either. But it can show you that every failure has a purpose. Don’t let problems throw you off track, but recognize their potential. Nothing happens without a reason. Maybe you didn’t get the job because there will be an advertisement waiting for you in the next few weeks that suits you even better.
  4. Do not compare: Social media tells us that every person leads a better life than we do. They drive better cars, make more expensive trips, live in larger apartments and have more beautiful bodies than we do. People create this image of themselves on Instagram and Co. and they only show the most beautiful sides of their life. They too experience self-doubts, problems, strokes of fate and losses. Don’t just look at the tip of the iceberg, behind the scenes of social media is normal life.
  5. Be grateful for the little things: Striving for change makes us grow, but for our own inner satisfaction it is important to be grateful for what we have on a regular basis. A roof over your head, health, great friends and partners. You can write gratitude for the little things in life in a gratitude journal. It reminds you to go inside yourself daily or weekly and express gratitude. Especially if you are dissatisfied, a look into your surroundings can help. What have you already achieved on your own? How did you become the amazing person you are today? Be proud of yourself.
  6. Be ready for change and spontaneity: New experiences broaden your horizons and can contribute to inner satisfaction. Imagine the feeling when you master something that you would never have thought you capable of before? It must be wonderful. Try to be spontaneous too. Break out of your routines, take your daily walk the other way around or take paths that are unknown to you. It will add to your inner satisfaction.
  7. Celebrate a sense of achievement: Is there anything you always wanted to learn? Maybe play the piano? Or riding? It’s never too late to learn a new hobby or skill. The sense of achievement will be to your inner satisfaction and will push you forward.
  8. Think positive: It is always easy said to think positively, then we automatically attract happiness. Of course, life is not always a walk in the country, but with a positive attitude you will see everything much easier. Recognize the beautiful things in your life and don’t get caught up in the negative.
  9. Practice self-care: Inner satisfaction can only arise if you know what makes you happy. Listen carefully to yourself and find out what you need at this moment, this week or this time of year. Do you want to experience something, travel, or just be yourself and read a good book on the sofa? Self-care means that you address your needs and take them seriously.
  10. Surrounded with positive energy: In a positive environment, it will be easy for you to enjoy your life. Take a closer look at your family and friends, what are the moods like, what are they talking about? Is it a lot about problems, negativity and gossip? Try to add a positive twist to conversations. “What positive has happened to you lately? What are you looking forward to in the coming days? How could problems be solved?” Instead of messing around with grievances, a solution could be worked on. Positivity doesn’t mean sweeping everything negative under the table.

Meditation for inner satisfaction

A meditation that leaves you satisfied and fulfilled into the day is a perfect morning routine. Hearing positive mantras lets you appreciate your full life and gives you joy. All you have to do is let dissatisfaction go and meditate to experience gratitude and calm. Look on video portals or relaxation apps for meditations for inner satisfaction.

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