A relative comes across a gruesome crime while investigating a family home in the Tulln district (Lower Austria). She finds the bodies of a 29-year-old mother and her two children (aged 5 and 8).
Despite the sunshine, a deep shadow hangs over the small community in the Tulln district (Lower Austria): Three people have died (see video above).The first witness to the terrible murder drama was one of Nicole’s relatives. As the 29-year-old had not turned up at work, her friend went to investigate. But when she entered the house, she recoiled in horror. She came across three bodies: the mother of two and her daughters, an eight-year-old and a five-year-old girl, were lying on the floor covered in blood. Apparently killed.While relatives were comforted by the crisis intervention team next to the garage, the question of the motive remained unanswered. Rumour has it that there had already been a crisis between mother Nicole and the children’s father. “Our crime scene investigators are working at full speed to clarify the background to this bloody crime. It is still too early for a precise description of the terrible crime,” says Stefan Pfandler from the Lower Austrian State Criminal Police Office.Ghastly parallel to the quintuple murder of a motherIf we flash back to 2016 in Schildberg, not far away, a horror drama shows a gruesomely bloody parallel to the current family drama.There, a woman wiped out her family. The mother of three first shot her daughter (6), her sons (7 and 9 years old) and her brother (40) with a handgun in an abandoned guesthouse before she lay down in her mother’s bed and then killed her too. The woman then shot herself in the head.She took the reason why she caused this bloodbath with her to the grave. It may have been the excessive demands of caring for her mother (59), who was suffering from cancer.Devilish planHowever, a devilish plan was hidden behind the drama. The mother of three had already withdrawn her children from school so that no one could suspect their absence. Macabre detail: In the course of her insane act, the 35-year-old killed two of the family dogs. Apparently so that not a spark of life would remain at the massacre site, the place where she had once enjoyed happiness…
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