Instagram: he makes everyone believe that he leads a dream life thanks to an AI

For a month, Kyle Vorbach made his loved ones believe that he was leading a dream life of sunshine, luxury cars and celebrity encounters. However, during all this time, the Youtubeur simply stayed in his room, with his parents. To create the illusion, he simply used an AI called Stable Diffusion.

Credit: kylevorbach

It’s hard to miss the general enthusiasm around artificial intelligence. The latest trend is of course ChatGPT, an absolutely stunning AI capable of generating any text, answering any question and, in worst-case scenarios, stealing your job. Artificial intelligence can now be used by anyone, for any purpose. Even invent a life.

This is precisely what YouTuber Kyle Vorbach decided to do. It all started on Instagram, last October, when he wanted to change his profile picture. For this, it uses Stable Diffusion, an AI similar to Imagen, capable of creating a perfectly realistic image with a simple descriptive text. Impressed by the result, Kyle Vorbach sees this as an opportunity to conduct a little experiment.

From his bedroom, he makes everyone believe that he had a dream life

He then decides to generate dozens of images of him being in New York, carrying out various tourist activities such as visiting Central Park or eating pizza with friends (entirely created by Stable Diffusion). The illusion works, but Kyle Vorbach is still not satisfied and wants to go even further. From his bedroom in the family home, he invents a dream life in Los Angeles, his hometown.

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His Instagram takes on the look of a celebrity account: we see him alongside movie stars such as Ryan Gosling, driving a luxury car, on a plane on yet another trip, in short, Kyle Vorbach trains tirelessly AI to get the most realistic images possible. Success is quickly at the rendezvous and “the crook” accumulates likes. A month later, he ends up revealing the deception to his relatives.

Surprisingly, he admits to being himself, in a way, to having fallen into his own trap. “Every time I got a like on one of these photos, I felt those endorphins like it was me. Like someone I know liked a picture of me”he explains on his YouTube channel.

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