Instagram pauses its video rush


After assuming its transition to video, Instagram has decided to put its “TikTok-style” project on hold. The social network therefore seems to have listened to the dissatisfaction of its users who asked it to “becoming Instagram again”.

Instagram is backtracking and pausing its transition to video.

© Getty Images

One step forward, two steps back… This is what characterizes the Instagram social network today. After assuming its transition to video, the platform has just announced that it is putting its project “à la TikTok” on hold.

It’s in the newsletter Platformer that the boss of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, confided. He notably indicated that the social network was going to stop a test which displayed photos and videos in full screen (like … TikTok). In addition, the platform intends to reduce the number of “recommended” content offered to its users. Eager to imitate TikTok and its algorithm which chooses the videos presented to its users, it has unfortunately not met with the same success.

I think we need to take a step back when it comes to the percentage of streams that are recommendations.

Instagram boss Adam Mosseri

The desire to pause this feature comes as Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that the number of recommendations made to users “should double by the end of the year”. The boss of Meta, parent company of Instagram, will therefore probably have to revise his ambitions downwards, at least temporarily.

The social network therefore seems to have listened to the revolt of its users, including the stars of the platform Kylie Jenner (361 million subscribers) and Kim Kardashian (327 million subscribers) who called on it to “becoming Instagram again”.

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