Install immediately: Google Chrome update closes 7 security holes


Google Chrome provides a security update to close 7 security vulnerabilities. Update your browser now to protect yourself from a possible hacker attack.

You should urgently install the latest Chrome update. (Source: Google)

The Google Chrome browser currently has seven vulnerabilities, four of which have been classified as critical. Cyber ​​criminals can exploit the vulnerabilities to take control of your system. Google is therefore providing a security update. We advise you to install this as soon as possible.

The four critical vulnerabilities are named CVE-2022-2007, CVE-2022-2008, CVE-2022-2010, and CVE-2022-2011. According to the United States Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Agency (CISA), the vulnerabilities allow access to sensitive data. In addition, hackers can exploit improper use of dynamic memory to attack Chrome.

The Chrome versions of Windows, macOS and Linux are affected by the problem. The new update 102.0.5005.115 closes all gaps and ensures that your computer is safe again. All you have to do is close Chrome to install it. You can also access the update manually. Other Chromium-based browsers also provide updates to fix the vulnerabilities. Including Brave and Opera.

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