Instead of crutches: the first high-tech walking stick for seniors is a real object of desire


Designers from Singapore have created a high-tech walking aid for the elderly. The “Stride Senze” has numerous sensors and is a real object of desire.

Two walking sticks can be combined to form a type of walker. (Source: Screenshot YouTube)

  • What if a walking stick wasn’t a “crutch” but a real “must have” gadget, an object of desire?
  • This is the question the designer team NextOfKin (NOK) from Singapore asked themselves.
  • The result is Stride Senze, a high-tech walking stick with many possibilities.

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NOK is of the understandable opinion that modern walking aids are urgently needed for weak or elderly people. The well-known models are often not only unpopular, but also put a lot of pressure on the wrist and forearm when in use. They are simply not ergonomic.

According to the description, Stride Senze has numerous sensors that can scan the immediate surroundings and indicate possible obstacles in the dark. Like the Apple Watch, the high-tech walking stick is designed to analyze the owner’s gait and log irregularities. Some of the technology is based on the Samsung Ballie presented at CES 2020.

Two walking sticks can be combined with each other and provide even better stability in this “walker mode”. Like Segways, they automatically keep their balance and cannot fall over. If the sensors detect a fall, emergency contacts can be alerted automatically.

You can’t buy the high-tech walking stick yet, Stride Senze is currently in the development or project phase.

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