Intelligence: 3 Signs You’re a High Level Thinker

3 signs you are a high level thinker

© carballo / Adobe Stock

Most people think in a similar way, following well-trodden paths. But some high-level thinkers manage to develop completely new ideas and thoughts.

Sometimes thoughts just flow, you go from one good idea to the next. Do you know such flow moments? It’s not a coincidence, it’s a scientific phenomenon. “High Order Thinking” or “High Level Thinking” is the name of the whole thing and describes this condition. In order to solve the really big challenges of our time and to develop new, innovative ideas, we need high-level thinkers. But few people have the skills for this particular way of thinking. do you belong

These 3 signs indicate that you are a High Level Thinker

1. You have no prejudices

Nobody can know everything. And that’s why there shouldn’t be anyone who has one opinion on everything. However, anyone who thinks averagely takes away this right. That leads to prejudice. We think we know something, but actually have no idea about it.

High level thinkers, on the other hand, only form an opinion on something if they actually have enough information about it. And they are easily dissuaded from this opinion when the facts convince them so. This shows a great deal of self-confidence, because high-level thinkers are confident enough to accept that sometimes they are wrong and that there are some things they just don’t know.

2. You like to do things differently from the others

Our experiences make us who we are. Lots of people experience similar things – going to school, studying or doing an apprenticeship, working, getting married, having children, going on a beach vacation once a year. These similar experiences often lead to similar thought patterns. That is why the thoughts of many average thinking people often always follow the same patterns. Real “out of the box” thinking can only happen when we break these patterns. And the easiest way to do that is by exposing ourselves to new adventures and experiences that challenge us.

Do you live your life completely differently than most people? Do you like traveling to places that aren’t in any travel guides or reading books most people haven’t even heard of? Are you interested in things that the majority dismiss as futuristic nonsense? This can be a sign that you have the ability for high level thinking.

3. You ask a lot of questions

High level thinkers realize that they can never know everything. That’s why they try to absorb as much know-how as possible – and they do it with questions. Most average-thinking people, on the other hand, think they know a lot more than everyone else. That’s why you hear them talk all the time instead of asking questions. If you’re a high-level thinker, you have no problem admitting when you don’t know something and asking about it. Only those who do not have this self-confidence feel the need to pretend that they already know everything.

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