Interior hack “Floor Art”: How your apartment makes an impression right from the start

Interior Hack “Floor Art”
Why you should not neglect your floors when furnishing

© lawcain / Adobe Stock

Great furniture, fresh colors, pretty decorations – for us, that’s part of a nicely furnished apartment. But those who take care of the floors can make an even greater impression.

No, it’s not about laying complex and expensive parquet. It’s chic, but just wood on the floor doesn’t look as cozy as we’d like. A help that many of us already use are carpets. But have you ever thought about combining several? Layering thin rugs to create new and creative spaces? This is exactly what happens when you artistically design your floors, colloquially: “Floor Art”. But it can also get even more exciting.

carpet over carpet

A classic version of floor art is to combine several carpets together. Not next to each other, but on top of each other. This is how you break the rug’s pre-determined shape and create a more exciting new creation. The room appears less structured and more relaxed on the eye. Anyone who opts for this type of interior design should make sure to combine carpets that are as thin as possible. Otherwise, there may be tripping hazards due to the fabrics lying on top of each other.

You can also arrange a very large carpet with several smaller variants in a large room. Another advantage in winter: the floor is warmer and looks almost so comfortable that you want to lie down with a pillow – and possible four-legged friends do not slip on smooth floors.

You can choose similar shades for the combinations that complement each other. Even simpler designs, such as a black and white, a gray and a dark blue carpet, can go well together depending on the interior.

Faux tiles on floors

It is also becoming increasingly popular to decorate old and no longer so beautiful tiles with pretty stickers and thus let the floor shine in new splendor. For example in a beautiful and noble pattern like this:

If you discover this style for yourself, it is a good idea to talk to your:your landlord:in in advance. Because the stickers often don’t stick very well with the prefabricated adhesive, which is why many DIYs advocate additional fastening material so that the complex action is worthwhile for you in the long run. This can make sense, especially in rooms that are often damp, such as a bathroom. A simpler method can be a chic vinyl covering, which can be removed much more easily if you move out.

The most important thing is to ensure well-cut edges. For example, around any pieces of furniture, the toilet or the shower/bathtub. Because otherwise the faux floor will quickly attract attention and appear less high-quality. Homeowners:in on Pinterest sometimes also show instructions on how to paint floors or decorate them with templates and spray cans. However, it is better not to try this in rented apartments.

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