Interior hacks: 5 furnishing tips that increase your well-being

Interior hacks
5 furnishing tips that increase your well-being

© Pixel Shot / Adobe Stock

What makes an apartment a home? A personal touch is of course part of it, of course. But there are a few simple interior tips that will make your four walls really cozy.

Our home is our retreat, where we recharge our batteries after a hard day and come to rest. At least in theory. Because if we don’t really feel good, the relaxation and the cozy cocoon are quickly over. There can be many reasons for this: the apartment is noisy and we don’t feel comfortable in the neighborhood. Or it’s drafty and we’re freezing despite the heating being turned on.

But the cause could also be much simpler: the apartment is just not comfortable. And not because the furniture is shabby and doesn’t match or the interior design isn’t hip anymore. No, there are a few basic rules when it comes to interior design that many people ignore. This is how you set up your four walls so that they are cozy and you really feel comfortable there.

These 5 interior hacks create a feel-good atmosphere

1. The right colors

The color selection is not only about current trends and stylish designs. Because the different nuances have a psychological effect that we should not underestimate. natural tones about radiate calm, Green creates balance orange has a stimulating effect. And while Blue increases creativity shades of red create a really bad mood. When setting up your four walls, think carefully about the effect you want to achieve. Which colors are really good for you and your personality?

Once you’ve decided, it’s best to stay within one color family. But you can work well with color accents to loosen up your interior design. These can be larger eye-catchers such as a sofa or a wall. Or you can work with smaller accents, such as a picture or some cushions.

Living room in warm natural tones: 5 furnishing tips that increase your well-being

Warm natural tones ensure a calm atmosphere in the apartment.

© 2ragon / Adobe Stock

2. The right light

Many people make the mistake of illuminating a room with just one lamp – usually even the ceiling light. This looks uncomfortable and creates anything but a nice atmosphere. Several indirect light sources that emit diffuse light are better. floor lamps or table lamps, depending on the size of the room, are of course very suitable for warm, cozy light in which we feel comfortable.

Also when choosing light bulb you should focus on warmth and comfort. It is best to choose a bulb that produces more of a golden or cream-colored light, too bright, whitish incandescent bulbs can quickly make the room appear sterile.

3. Create oases of calm

Certain places in the home have a clear purpose: work at the desk, eat at the dining table, and so on. In order for us to really feel good, it is also important to create small oases in which we can let ourselves go. Such places can be a comfortable armchair, simply the sofa or a small reading corner by the window. Think about which place in your apartment is suitable for such an oasis of calm and set it up so that you feel 100 percent comfortable there and can recharge your batteries.

4. keep order

Even if it is tempting: Things lying around such as clothing, charging cables, letters and so on should be removed immediately. Because clutter and chaos quickly make a room uncomfortable and have a greater effect on your well-being than you might think. A restless atmosphere in the room quickly creates a bad mood.

Everything should have a fixed place in the apartment. It is best to put the many small things that you use every day back in their place immediately. If you don’t have enough storage space in your apartment, you can, for example, come along boxing or baskets wonderfully tidy.

Baskets for more storage space: 5 furnishing tips that increase your well-being

Baskets and boxes are ideal for creating a tidy and calm environment.

© semerokozlyat / Adobe Stock

5. Less is more

Another important tip so that you really feel comfortable in your home: Regularly sort out what you no longer need. Don’t worry, you don’t have to become a total minimalist and only own 100 things. But even if you tend to get attached to certain objects because you associate memories and emotional values ​​with them, you can definitely benefit from a round of decluttering.

Go through your apartment room by room and honestly think about whether you really need all the things in it and use them regularly. You may find that you can do without a few pots, jeans, socks or old charging cables. And the less you clutter up your home with useless things, the more you can prioritize what’s important to you. Regular clearing out free, I promise!

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