Internal tests underway: Apple is working on its own AI chatbot

Internal tests are running
Apple is working on its own AI chatbot

The ChatGPT program has shown the possibilities of artificial intelligence to a large number of users. Other companies have long since followed suit. According to a report, Apple is also working on a chatbot – but does not yet know how it can be made available.

According to a media report, Apple is working on a competing system for ChatGPT and other AI chatbots. The software is tested internally by some employees, wrote the financial service Bloomberg. There are still no decisions on how the technology could be made available to consumers, it said, citing informed people.

ChatGPT has been causing a stir since the end of last year because the chatbot can communicate at human language level. The software from the start-up OpenAI was trained with a huge amount of data. She formulates a sentence by estimating word for word how it could go on. A disadvantage of the principle is that the program has no understanding of the content. Therefore, even with conviction, it can issue information that is completely false.

CEO Tim Cook recently emphasized in May that Apple sees great potential in software with artificial intelligence, but wants to use it with caution. The iPhone group uses functions with machine learning and artificial intelligence, for example to improve photos, auto-correct when writing or to recognize car accidents and falls.

Apple also pioneered voice assistants with the Siri software more than a decade ago. However, it is less articulate than ChatGPT, for example. According to Bloomberg, the Apple chatbot – similar to ChatGPT – can, among other things, summarize texts and answer questions based on available information. Some developers would have given the software the nickname “Apple GPT”.

Apple shares initially jumped about 2 percent, according to the Bloomberg report. The plus later dropped to around 0.5 percent. Other tech heavyweights such as Google and the Facebook group Meta are also developing their own technologies for AI chatbots. Microsoft entered into a multi-billion dollar pact with ChatGPT developer company OpenAI.

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