Internet Explorer will definitely go away with the next Microsoft Edge update

Microsoft has announced that one of the next updates to its Edge browser will permanently disable Internet Explorer on Windows 10, 8, and 7. The final nail in the coffin of software that takes its time to die.

Internet Explorer definitely does not want to pass the baton, but Microsoft is doing everything to force its hand. Coming soon, an Edge update will permanently disable august internet browser on the last computers where it is still active.

Last June, the Redmond company signed the end of support for IE 11 for all computers. However, there may be leftovers on some PCs, including Windows 10, 8.1, and 7. On February 14, a big Edge update will remove them altogether.

Internet Explorer removed from computers still equipped

The goal is to make the transition totally invisible for the last diehards. From this date, opening Internet Explorer will automatically redirect to the Edge browser, based on the Chromium engine. In a next update next June, all visual references to Internet Explorer will be permanently removed. Thus, on the PCs on which it is still installed, the icons and mentions of the software will automatically disappear. Microsoft hopes all users will be switched to Edge by then.

Read also – Goodbye Internet Explorer, the browser is living its last hours after 27 years of service

You have to know that‘Internet Explorer still resists among a very small minority of users, but that the browser has actually been in “zombie” mode for some time now. For example, since the end of 2020, any page opened with IE to an incompatible site opens the Edge browser. IE is used today in particular by professionals who use it to check if certain sites are still running with it.

More so, Internet Explorer no longer exists for those who already regularly update their Windows 10 or have reinstalled it. On Windows 11, the browser is not even present, replaced by Edge. In short, Internet Explorer, which already had both feet in the grave, will definitely fade into the past and become the symbol of a bygone era. Microsoft’s ultimate goal is that not a single user will launch IE in the near future.

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