Internet price explosion? Fiber optic providers prepare for a beating

Access to fast Internet via fiber optics is likely to become significantly more expensive in the near future. At a conference, providers discuss the need for increasing prices for end customers. An industry insider warns that anyone who takes the first step must expect a beating from all sides.

Fiber optic Internet: Higher prices only a matter of time

At the Fiberdays 22 conference of the Federal Association of Broadband Communication fiber optic providers discuss possible price increases. These could already hit customers in the next few months. The days of falling prices for fast Internet connections are over, they say.

According to Soeren Wendler, who works as a sales manager at Deutsche Giganet, there will be no way around a price increase. He appeals to the telecommunications industry that “the big ones” have to make the start. the significantly increased inflation in Germany could be taken as an opportunity to explain to customers the added value of fiber optic Internet. For him, switching from copper to fiber is like switching from 4G to 5G.

According to Jürgen Hansjosten, inflation and increased construction costs will lead to higher prices in the future. The managing director of the infrastructure fund Infrafiber even recognizes one “Compulsion” to more expensive fiber optic connectionssince double-digit higher costs can be expected in the construction sector next year (source: heise online).

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Strong announcement: Anyone who raises prices must expect a beating

The industry agrees on the direction in which prices are going: upwards. There’s just one problem with that. Nobody wants to be the first to offer must who takes the step. It is also clear to Stefan Holighaus, member of the management board of fiber optic provider DNS:NET, that the current market development will affect even well-positioned providers by next year at the latest.

Increasing the prices is only a matter of time. The fiber optic providers should probably only decide whether to ask for more money early or just before it is too late to keep customers happy. The first one who dares to raise the prices, “everyone will beat up”, Holighaus is sure. Just a few months later, everyone will follow, according to his forecast.

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