Internet too slow: The consumer center tool calculates how much money you can claim back

Since an amendment to the Telecommunications Act on December 1, 2021, consumers have been able to request a reduction in the costs of the Internet connection if it does not correspond to the agreed service.

According to consumer advice centers, however, the providers often set a reduction fee that is too low in the event of complaints. So that you as a consumer know how much reduction you are really entitled to, the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center has developed a web app with which you can determine an appropriate amount of compensation and request it directly from your provider using a sample letter.

Web app of the consumer advice center: Reclaim money from the Internet provider

The consumer center’s interactive tool calculates an appropriate compensation for you.

Image: Screenshot

In order to be entitled to a refund, you must first prove that the actual internet speed is slower than contracted. This works with the free broadband measurement tool from the Federal Network Agency. After the measurement, you will receive a measurement protocol with the measurement results.

Enter this in the web app of the consumer advice center and the tool will calculate an appropriate reduction amount for you. A letter with the reduction request is then automatically created, which you can send directly to your provider.

Instead of a reduction, you can also set a deadline for your provider by which he has to deliver the agreed service. If he does not meet the demand, you have an extraordinary right of termination.

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