Interview with CoincheckTV and Crypto Manu

Furkan, the brains behind CoinCheckTV, one of Germany’s most successful crypto channels, explains that he first heard about Bitcoin in 2013, but only got into Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies himself in late 2016.

“Through Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, I first dealt with the topic of money fundamentally. I was already active in the financial market before, but Bitcoin and Co. gave me a new perspective.” he says.

CoincheckTV is arguably one of the best-educated crypto YouTubers, with a master’s degree in industrial engineering. One reason why its content is often very scientific.

Manu, better known as Crypto Manu, got into crypto mainly by accident and at an opportune moment. “When the courses collapsed at the beginning of Corona. After that, I couldn’t let go of the topic and I dealt more with the matter and above all with trading,” he explains.

Although both are not full-time traders, they are very knowledgeable about trading, which is why BingX asked them about this topic as well.

How did you learn to trade and what tips do you have for other beginners?

Furkan already had “points of contact with trading” through his father and learned early on how profits can be made through active trading. Despite this, he acquired most of his knowledge himself through books, with the greatest improvement only coming from independent, active trading.

With Manu, everything happened a little later, but the approach was still very similar. He also worked his way up to the topic through books and YouTube videos and even if he mainly lost money at first, like most people, he has made himself into a passable trader through discipline and constant further development.

Proper risk management is arguably the most neglected technique in trading and the main reason why it is said that around 90% of traders lose money in the market. The German-speaking team at BingX tries to give this to prospective traders right from the start. Even if risk management can be relatively complex, it is recommended for every beginner, e.g. For example, the rule of thumb is that you don’t risk more than 1% of your capital per trade.

But how is it anyway, can anyone become a profitable trader? Furkan and Manu don’t quite agree on this point. While Manu is more of the opinion that anyone can do it “if you have your head under control and know your risk”, Furkan, the more experienced of the two, is no longer quite so optimistic: “Some character traits such as mental strength, discipline and a certain analytical intelligence must be present”.

What is the current situation in German-speaking countries and what is the future for crypto?

BingX recently asked the two how they assess the current situation, especially in relation to the German-speaking area. After the FTX scandal, it became clear how important it is that crypto exchanges can prove that they have their user funds covered 1:1. This requires an external audit and a Merkle Tree Proof of Funds. Both can be done with BingX here be viewed.

Overall, “the German-speaking area has developed very strongly, both fundamentally and technically,” says Furkan from CoinchecktTV. Of course, the uncertainty is still great since the FTX scandal. Opponents of cryptocurrency see themselves confirmed, new investors are deterred to the maximum. It remains to be seen how things will continue: This time, neither of the two interview partners has the famous crystal ball with them. What is certain, however, is that those declared dead live longer.

We would like to thank both of them for their time.

Register now with BingX and take the first steps

Trading and speculating in cryptocurrencies is a risky business. Everyone who is aware of this risk and still wants to take their first steps has the chance to join Register BingX and try it out with demo money. You can find the German Telegram community from BingX to exchange ideas with other traders and investors here.

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