Interview with Elyas M’Barek: “My wife grounds me”

Elyas M’Barek
“My wife grounds me”

© Franziska Krug / Getty Images

Newly married, Elyas M’Barek talks about flights of fancy, white lies – and explains why he has recently sworn to meditate.

Cinema star ElyasM’Barek, 40, got married in Ibiza two weeks ago. Now he is talking about his wife, the US model Jessica Riso, 33, in the new GALA.

Elyas M’Barek in the GALA interview

When asked what keeps him grounded in all the star hype, he says. “My wife, my friends, my environment. I don’t feel so comfortable when I’m the center of attention.”

M’Barek, who is currently in the cinema with the film “1000 Lines” about invented “Spiegel” reports, says about his relationship to the truth: “I don’t lie, I don’t cheat, and I don’t invent any white lies. If you put my trust once abused or gambled away, it’s over.”


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