Interview with Emmanuel Macron: “It is not excluded that he will do the 100 days again to us”, says Gaspard Gantzer

Geoffrey Branger / Photo credit: JULIEN DE ROSA / POOL / AFP

An expected speech: Emmanuel Macron will speak this Monday. The President of the Republic has made himself desired: scheduled for this weekend, this interview will therefore finally take place on Monday at 1 p.m. on the news of TF1 and France 2 and live from New Caledonia, where he is travelling. The opportunity to take stock of the famous 100 days after the crisis around the pension reform. The head of state did not speak on July 14, as tradition dictates.

“Appeasement” and “perspectives” for the start of the school year

This interview is therefore eagerly awaited, but above all necessary, as explained by Gaspard Gantzer, former adviser to François Hollande and president of Gantzer Agency, at the microphone of Europe 1. “We are delighted that he is speaking because his word was expected. Personally, I would have preferred that he speak on July 14, as tradition dictates. to find out what will happen in the next four years”, says the political adviser.

“Basically, I think he will try to give two messages: the first is a message of appeasement, but we rarely appease with words, we appease more with actions, on the question of security and authority. And then he will give perspectives for the start of the school year that he has already sketched out: he will certainly talk about ecology, purchasing power, jobs and probably the international situation, “analyzes Gaspard Gantzer.

Even if for the former adviser to François Hollande, this interview could be disappointing. “We can unfortunately fear that in this kind of interview, things are not very precise. It is not excluded that, with other words, he will do the 100 days again to us because we all already know very well that, in the fall, it will be just as difficult, because things will not have changed, “he concludes at the microphone of Europe 1.

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