“Intriguing”, what the princess’s posture reveals about her return to royal life, according to an expert

The photo shared on X, this Friday, June 14, 2024, by Kate Middleton continues to raise strong questions about her state of health and her potential return to royal life. Judi James, body language expert, deciphers the posture adopted by the princess in the photo in the columns of our colleagues at the Mirror.

If many fans of the English royal family want to know more about the state of health of Kate Middleton, the latest announcement from the Princess of Wales shared on X, this Friday June 14, 2024, was unexpected to say the least . Indeed, the mother of Louis, George and Charlotte created a general surprise by speaking on Elon Musk’s social network on the eve of an event eagerly awaited by our British neighbors, the Trooping the Color ceremony, during which is celebrated the official birthday of the sovereign of the United Kingdom.

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Seeing Kate Middleton pose on several more months.

What message does the photo posted by Kate Middleton on X send?

A message which, however, gives good hope that the Princess of Wales and the medical teams around her are doing everything to get her out of trouble. Obviously, Kensington Palace’s communication is very controlled, with the message shared on X being very solemn. Enough to push our British neighbors, concerned about Kate Middleton’s state of health, to try to find out more about what this statement by the English royal family really reveals.

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Indeed, in the columns of our colleagues at the Mirror, Judi James, expert in body language, attempted to provide an analysis of the posture adopted by the Princess of Wales in the photo posted on social networks in order to read between the lines of the royal message. In the photo in question, Kate Middleton strikes a pose with her arms and legs slightly crossed in a bucolic setting, her gaze focused towards the horizon and displays a smile less pronounced than the big royal smile to which she has accustomed her fans.

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Kate Middleton: “an intriguing mix of vulnerability and intimacy”

“The two barrier gestures of crossed arms and crossed legs are new to Kate and they imply an intriguing blend of vulnerability and intimacy with a hint of a new form of confidence”, deciphers Judi James. And to add: “His arms are slightly crossed in a pose often adopted by professionals to suggest their authority.” According to the expert, the fact that the princess displays a more reserved smile than usual seems to send a similar signal.

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“Her smile reveals a similar feeling. It is not her usual perfect regal smile. With closed lips, it suggests a calm, serene happiness that is internal rather than projected”, she continues in the columns of our British colleagues. What about his state of health and his potential return to his royal activities? “With the jeans and sneakers, we have the impression of Kate who is still taking her time to return to royal life”, believes Judi James. Now, all British eyes are on the Trooping the color ceremony in which Kate Middleton hinted she would take part in her message shared on X.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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