Intrinsic motivation: what motivates you?

Some goals you achieve, others not: According to scientists, the intrinsic motivation is behind it. But what does that mean? We explain the concept.

When was the last time you felt really motivated? And how long did this motivation last? We all know it: goals are diligently noted down, which are tackled vigorously at the beginning, but after a while this motivation evaporates. We find it hard to get ourselves up – sometimes we give up completely.

On the other hand, there are things that we like to do without a lot of self-discipline and that we implement our projects with ease. Why is that? According to scientists is the type of motivation crucial. They differentiate between two different types of motivation: the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. What is the difference and which one brings you to your goal? We’ll clarify that now!

Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation: The Difference

The extrinsic motivation is based on the principle of reward or punishment. We do something because we want to get something nice (compliments, recognition, money) or because we want to avoid something unpleasant (loss of money, devaluation, exclusion). So the drive lies always outside. This is where the name comes from: “extrinsic” is another word for “external”.

Example: If an appealing advertisement makes you suddenly think about workouts even though you are not a sports fan at all, your motivation is extrinsic. You don’t enjoy jogging, you hate tummy-legs-butt training, but you do it anyway because you subconsciously think about the rewards (e.g. compliments). Since you do not enjoy the activity itself, do you give up sooner or later.

The intrinsic motivation is not primarily based on rewarding and punishing. It has something to do with our very individual motives and wishes. We want to do something because it feels right to us. Because through it we can realize ourselves. Besides that, there can of course also be nice side effects – but that’s not the main point for us. The intrinsic motivation so comes from yourself and is not controlled by external factors. The name gives it away: “Intrinsic” can be guided by “internal”, which can be equated with “inside”.

example: Every founder knows this feeling – even though there are so many hurdles in the way, you have the urge to see your project through. No matter what others think of you. You don’t need someone else to motivate you: Your motivation is there by itself and comes from yourself.

Perhaps you have already noticed while reading: intrinsic motivation is the type of motivation that you use Don’t have to worry about your stamina. It corresponds to your inner values ​​and your true nature. The extrinsic motivation is more problematic: Without knowing it, we run after goals that have been determined by the outside. Be it unrealistic ideals of beauty or high expectations within the family.

Intrinsic Motivation: How Do I Know It?

Think about your current goals for a moment. Is your motivation in this regard intrinsically or extrinsically shaped? Sometimes it’s not that easy to see. After all, motivation, inspiration and the like often happen subconsciously.

By a couple typical characteristics you can recognize an intrinsic motivation that will most likely lead you to the realization of your goals:

  • The activity itself inspires you and is fun for you.

  • Your motivation is apparently always there and does not suddenly collapse.

  • What others think about your project is not so important to you.

  • Whether you get a reward for this is only of secondary importance to you. In other words: You would go through with the activity without being rewarded in the end.

  • Your goal matches your inner values.

  • The implementation of your goal fulfills you.

Intrinsic motivation: how does it come about?

We all have goals and desires that are associated with deep longings. The intrinsic motivation is also based on this. But how exactly is it actually created? According to scientist and TED Talk spokesman Daniel Pink, there are three main reasons for this.

Cause 1: The desire for autonomy

We humans want to take our life into our own hands and our way of life be able to determine yourself – that is a reason for the intrinsic motivation.

Cause 2: The urge to progress

We are learning-oriented and want to move forward. Really mastering a skill and understanding it in depth can also spark great motivation.

Cause 3: Your destiny

When we get the feeling that we have found our meaning in life, hardly anything can lead us astray. The search and finding of a personal purpose – this is one of the strongest motives for us humans and the basis of intrinsic motivation.

Finding Intrinsic Motivation: What Are You Really Exciting About?

So there are different types of motivation that affect us differently. But what, when you just don’t feel motivated at all? There are a few tricks you can use to discover your intrinsic motivation for yourself. If you feel like doing a real heart project in which you put all your passion, you should definitely try it out!

The following questions will help to spark your intrinsic motivation:

  • What would you do if money didn’t matter?
  • What would you do if looks didn’t matter?
  • What was it that really inspired you as a child?
  • Which activity do you enjoy the most?
  • Which activity gives you a lot of strength and energy?
  • What are you good at, where are your talents?
  • What do your fellow men like about you?

A vision board can also support you in putting your goals into practice, just like these beautiful motivational sayings.

You can also find more career and personality topics in the BRIGITTE Community. Have a look!

Sources used:,,, Csikszentmihalyi M., Nakamura J. (2014) The Dynamics of Intrinsic Motivation: A Study of Adolescents. In: Flow and the Foundations of Positive Psychology. Springer, Dordrecht.