“Invaluable”: EU has great hope in Donald Tusk

EU has great hope in Donald Tusk

The PiS era is over – the Polish parliament votes for former opposition leader Donald Tusk as the country’s new prime minister. EU representatives von der Leyen and Michel congratulate the future head of government – and hope for a significantly better relationship with Poland.

The top representatives of the European Union reacted happily to the impending change of government in Poland. “Your experience and your strong commitment to our European values ​​will be invaluable for a stronger Europe,” wrote EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on X to the future Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

EU Council President Charles Michel said he congratulated Tusk on becoming head of the Polish government. His experience and commitment to European values ​​would help create a stronger and united EU. EU Parliament President Roberta Metsola wrote that we would now tackle the current challenges together. She looks forward to working with a staunch EU supporter and friend for a prosperous Poland and a stronger Europe.

However, congratulations did not only come from the EU. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj also congratulated Tusk via X. “I congratulate Donald Tusk on his election by the Sejm as Prime Minister of Poland,” he wrote. He also emphasized that Ukraine appreciates Poland’s support and that together both countries strengthen each other and Europe as a whole.

Hope for a better relationship

The head of the liberal-conservative Citizens’ Coalition (KO) was commissioned by Parliament to form a government on Monday evening. He will be the successor to the previous Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki from the national-conservative PiS party, which became the strongest faction in the election on October 15th but missed an absolute majority. However, three pro-European parties from the previous opposition, led by Tusk, achieved a clear majority in the Polish parliament.

It is hoped in Brussels that the relationship between Poland and the EU will improve significantly after the change of government. There have been major disputes in recent years, for example, because the EU Commission took Poland to the European Court of Justice over controversial judicial reforms and blocked billions in Corona aid funds.

However, there are no doubts in the EU about Tusk’s European friendliness. The 66-year-old politician was head of government in Poland from 2007 to 2014. He then moved to Brussels, where he chaired EU summits as President of the European Council until 2019.

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