Invasion of the Capitol: a year later, Joe Biden directly accuses Donald Trump

A year after the Capitol invasion on January 6, 2021, Joe Biden firmly attacked Donald Trump, his predecessor.

The former White House tenant “tried to prevent a peaceful transfer of power,” Joe Biden denounced during a speech on Thursday. He “created and spread a web of lies about the 2020 election. He did it because he prefers power over principle, and because his hurt ego is more important to him than our democracy.”

On January 6, 2021, the seat of legislative power was invaded by activists of Donald Trump, who denounced a rigged election. The November 2020 ballot gave Joe Biden the winner, a result 45% of Americans still consider illegitimate today. A total of five people were killed in the assault on the Capitol.

A “political theater”, according to Trump

Donald Trump is responsible for this terrible tragedy, according to Joe Biden. The current president said he would not let “anyone put the knife to the throat of democracy”. On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump gave an elated speech calling several times to “walk to the Capitol”.

Donald Trump’s reaction was not long in coming. “This political theater only distracts from the fact that Biden has completely and utterly failed,” he quipped in a statement. “Democrats want to use this day to instill fear and divide America.” He again claimed that the 2020 election was rigged, and that he should have been re-elected for a second term.

A year after the assault, federal agents arrested and charged more than 725 people. The majority have not committed violence and are prosecuted for minor offenses, such as violating an entry ban or disturbing public order. A commission of inquiry has been created, and its report will be submitted next summer. The Minister of Justice could then initiate proceedings.

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