Invoxia acquires a very prestigious board to improve its animal trackers

Matteo Magnac

July 19, 2022 at 4:45 p.m.


Invoxia Smartdogcollar © Invoxia

© Invoxia

Some canine breeds are predisposed to heart disease. On average, 15% of dogs would actually be affected by its risks. Thanks to SmartDogCollar, the French start-up Invoxia is trying to revolutionize this aspect of veterinary medicine.

Presented at CES 2022, this collar will control the heart and respiratory rate of our four-legged friends. One more step towards more preventive animal medicine.

Close collaboration between AI specialists and veterinarians

Many veterinarians agree that these cardiac risks could be eliminated if regular monitoring is carried out. And this tracking is potentially possible using the famous Invoxia tracker. Beyond being a new fashionable gadget for your pet, this biometric collar will therefore have a real utility.

To carry out this project, the leader in embedded AI has surrounded itself with specialists in the veterinary field. There is something for everyone in this innovative project, as Dr. Valérie Chetboul points out: “ The technologies mastered by Invoxia have the potential to democratize the monitoring of key physiological parameters in dogs… I am very happy to discuss with the engineers of this company and to participate in its scientific board. »

To complete its research unit, Invoxia can also count on the support of Dr. Daniel Promislow, a famous bio-gerontologist at the University of Washington.

An all-in-one connected dog collar

The SmartDogCollar is therefore not just a simple dog collar, and its list of features will not say the opposite:

  • Health Tracking

  • GPS Tracking

  • Activity monitoring

  • sleep control

  • Runaway detector

Piloted using an integrated AI, it has nothing to envy to the health monitoring systems reserved for humans.

The entire system can be controlled from a smartphone using the 4G network. You will thus be able to receive a notification directly on your phone in the event of a respiratory rate that is too high, and thus take the necessary measures as quickly as possible. This operation is reminiscent of that of the IoT, alias the Internet of Things.

With a release date announced for autumn 2022 and an estimated price of 99 euros, Invoxia clearly shows its desire to go further in understanding animal medicine.

Sources: Invoxia, DataPressPremium

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