iOS and Android: Many new things can be learned with apps

Go outside as little as possible? This can be annoying over time. But corona self-isolation can also be used to do things that are left behind, for example, or to learn new things. With the following apps, some may soon find a new passion or can suddenly speak Spanish.

Rest and better sleep

For example, it is currently a good idea to finally get rid of all the stress. How about, for example, learning meditation? "Headspace" can be helpful for iOS and Android devices. Among other things, the app offers hundreds of different meditations and can also help with sleep problems. The basic registration is free of charge, but for the full range of functions a subscription is required, which is priced at just under 13 euros per month or around 58 euros for a year.

With the free "Duolingo" app (iOS / Android), users can learn over 30 different languages, including Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese and many more. It is particularly motivating that the app turns learning into a game and thus provides an impetus to stay tuned. There are also in-app purchases here.

Programming languages ​​are not taught at "Duolingo", but there are apps like "Mimo" (iOS / Android). Even as a beginner, you can be taught how to write programs in HTML, Python, Java or Swift, among others. A variety of fundamentals are taught in exercises and what is learned is consolidated in challenges. With "Mimo", too, a fee for premium functions is due after the free download.

For all curious

The "TED" innovation conference is best known for its numerous lectures on a wide variety of topics, which can be called up online for free. The "Talks" can also be viewed directly on the smartphone using the free "TED" app (iOS and Android). Adam Savage (52), known from the series "Mythbusters", speaks, for example, about his love of cosplay and director James Cameron (65) tells of his childhood.

In the meantime, you become a musician with "Yousician" – provided, of course, you have the instrument at home. Interested people learn to play guitar, ukulele, bass or piano via the app (iOS / Android). Singing can also be taught. There are thousands of songs and lessons designed by teachers. Again, the basic version is free, for the full scope you have to take money in hand.

Those interested can learn directly from the masters with "MasterClass" for iOS and Android devices. Personalities and celebrities from areas such as "Film & TV", "Music", "Photography" or "Culinary Arts" reveal their tricks – including actress Natalie Portman (38, "Black Swan") and star chef Gordon Ramsay ( 53). The individual classes either cost 100 euros per piece or a good 17 euros per month for access to the entire range.