iPadOS 16: Apple could grant us a big wish

With iPadOS, custom windows could become a reality. (Image source: GIGA)

Shortly before the WWDC developer conference, speculation about a new function of iPadOS 16 is spreading. There is evidence in the Safari browser code that Apple is working on a new multitasking feature. Windows could be individually resized.


iPadOS 16: Hints of more multitasking

At this year’s WWDC it can be assumed that Apple will pay special attention to iPadOS 16. Here it could Multitasking on iPads to be the focus. Corresponding rumors have now been replaced by changes in the code of the Safari browser. Everything currently indicates that Apple will actually allow individually large windows on iPads.

More precisely, the changes did not appear in Safari itself, but in the WebKit browser engine. This is considered the engine for Safari and other browsers. WebKit’s code, which is publicly available, speaks of a “multitasking mode” that appears to be made available system-wide becomes. However, users must first activate it themselves (source: Steve Troughton Smith on Twitter).

Should the function find its way into iPadOS 16, iPad owners can look forward to more freedom. How much or how little space apps have on the display is then a personal matter. We will find out whether Apple will implement other functions from June 6th, when WWDC begins.

Everything about the current iPad (2021) at a glance:

iPadOS 16 with new notifications?

In the last two years, Apple has worked a lot on the notification system, which not everyone liked to the same extent. For iPadOS16 rumors point to renewed changes, since Apple is probably not satisfied with the existing solution either. However, no real details have been made public yet.

In addition, speculation persists that with iPadOS 16 some Pro apps such as Final Cut Pro could appear in a dedicated iPad variant.

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