iPhone 16: towards ever more artificial intelligence?

Samir Rahmoune

November 10, 2023 at 2:07 p.m.


Apple Siri © Unsplash

The Siri assistant displayed on an iPhone © Unsplash

Apple will also continue to develop in artificial intelligence, but with a model different from the competition.

The rapid emergence of artificial intelligence is a phenomenon that has caught Apple off guard. But since the arrival of ChatGPT, the Cupertino firm claims to be working on its own generative AI capable of competing with the creation of OpenAI and its many followers like Bard.

However, Apple’s efforts in the artificial intelligence sector are not limited to the design of a chatbot. A whole environment should thus appear in the future in its iPhones.

Apple’s AI efforts will go through Siri

Apple’s voice assistant Siri caused a sensation when it arrived in 2011. And the tool, which has become a must-have in iPhones, could well benefit from a major qualitative leap thanks to the Cupertino firm’s recent developments in AI.

This is what leaker @Tech_Reve says on X.com, where he explains that the large language model currently being developed by Apple will be used to completely renovate Siri. The objective? Create ” the ultimate virtual assistant ”, which could be a “ AI app killer “.

Samsung and Apple have the same vision

Quite an ambition from the largest company in the world. This new Siri will take place in the iOS 18 version, which will be presented during the WWDC 2024 conference. Apple wants to use both the power of its cloud servers and that of future smartphone models starting with the iPhone 16 to be able to offer a Siri benefiting from the best of AI.

This new direction is the opposite of what we can observe with the large generative AIs of the moment, these being interfaces that are not very dependent on the machines from which they are used. Apple thus joins its biggest competitor in the smartphone sector, namely Samsung, which should release the next Galaxy S24 with its Galaxy AI. A way of doing things intended to be democratized?

Source : XDA Developers

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