Iran advises its nationals not to travel to Ukraine

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(Reuters) – Iran on Friday advised its nationals against traveling to Ukraine and urged those already there to leave, semi-official news agencies reported, after the United States accused Tehran of handing over drones to Russia for the conflict in Ukraine.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s opinion does not mention the US accusations. It provides the phone number of the Iranian Embassy in Kyiv in case of need.

“Due to the military escalation in Ukraine, all Iranians are strongly advised not to travel to Ukraine. Likewise, Iranians living in Ukraine are advised to leave the country for their own safety,” the statement said. press release from the ministry.

The White House said Thursday that Iranians had traveled to Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014, to help Russian forces use drones against Ukraine, which Moscow and Tehran deny.

The United States now fears that Russia is seeking to acquire advanced conventional weapons from Iran for use against Ukraine, White House national security spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

(Writing by Dubai; French version Federica Mileo, editing by Sophie Louet)

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