Iran denounces Macron’s remarks after his support for demonstrations

The French president’s remarks are “interference” which encourages “violent people and offenders”, according to the Iranian government.


Nasser Kanani denounced the remarks of Emmanuel Macron, who expressed his support for the demonstrations in Iran.

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Lhe Iranian Foreign Ministry on Friday condemned remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron, who expressed solidarity with protesters angry at the death of Mahsa Amini.

The words of the President of the Republic are an “interference” and they served to encourage “violent people and offenders”, said the spokesman of the ministry, Nasser Kanani, in a press release.

Questioned on Wednesday during a broadcast by the France 2 television channel, the French head of state had expressed his “admiration” for the “women” and the “young people” who have been demonstrating since the death on September 16 of this 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, three days after her arrest by the morality police in Tehran. “We stand alongside those who fight for these values,” he insisted, ensuring “defend” and “support” what “is happening in Iran”. “Very clearly, France condemns the repression carried out today by the Iranian regime,” he said.

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A “manifest hypocrisy”

Nasser Kanani said it was “surprising” that France condemned Iranian security forces who had to deal with “violent people and rioters”, while threatening to use force in response to “strikes of employees in the oil and gas sector” in France. “This is blatant hypocrisy which once again proves that human rights, in the dictionary of many pretentious Western governments, are nothing more than a plaything and a tool to achieve political goals. and interfere in the affairs of other countries,” he continued.

The death in Iran of Mahsa Amini sparked the biggest wave of protests since 2019 protests over rising gas prices in the oil-rich country. More than 100 people were killed there and hundreds arrested, according to NGOs.

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