Iran-Mahsa Amini’s death is a “tragic incident”, but the “chaos” is unacceptable, says Rassi

DUBAI, Sept 28 (Reuters) – Iranian President Ebrahim Rassi said on Wednesday the death of Mahsa Amini had “saddened” everyone in Iran, but warned that “chaos” would not be tolerated as protests escalate. in the Islamic Republic.

The death of this 22-year-old young woman triggered a wave of anti-government demonstrations across the country, with many demonstrators calling in particular for the overthrow of religious authorities.

“We are all saddened by this tragic incident. Nevertheless, the chaos is unacceptable,” declared Ebraim Rassi in an interview granted to the official Iranian television.

“The red line for our government is the safety of our people. We cannot let certain people threaten the peace of our society by instigating mobs.”

Videos broadcast on social networks showed Iranian demonstrators shouting “death to the dictator”, despite the clashes between police and protesters.

Mahsa Amini, a young Iranian Kurd, fell into a coma after being arrested by the morality police for wearing inappropriate clothes.

Ebraim Rassi announced that “the scientific police (would present) its report on the circumstances of the death (of Mahsa Amini) in the coming days”.

The Iranian president also defended the security forces who “sacrifice their lives for the security of the country”.

“Anyone who participates and incites chaos and riots will be held responsible,” warned Ebraim Rassi, adding, however, that “no one should be afraid to express their point of view”. (Report Parisa Hafezi, with the contribution of Ali Sultan; French version Camille Raynaud)

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